Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Attention Adults!

Today is the start of a new year for me because I just turned twenty-two yesterday. Don't get me wrong - I got loads of love for the first of January but the tenth of April was when I came into this world and being the self-centred narcissist I am, that's when a year really ends as far as I'm concerned.

A lot of us semi-educated, so-called liberatis (I could write lyrics for Alanis Morissette) reflect on our personal growth and our achievements after the candles are blown out and hangovers are cured but barring the continued extension of certain generous endowments, I know I've barely changed. As a close friend reminded me, I'm still the "kiddy kid" (still a fan of redundancy too) I was two years ago and I have no delusions about my place in this world which will go on sucking donkey dong way after I'm covered in six feet of dirt. So I dedicate Pizzicato Five's Baby Love Child, below, which I earnestly believe was written for me, BY ME (Oh look! I'm still deluded too. Yay!)


MurasakiOnAcid said...

..happy birthday to yah , happy birthday to yah happy birthday, happy birthday to yah, happy birthday to yah, happy birthday...

sun to the tune of "happy birthday" by stevei wonder. (head jerks optional) a song sooo bad its sooooooooo good. enjoy. XXX

enjoy it on this link.

Anonymous said...

If this embarrassing episode is your annual celebration of the day you came to be, then consider the fact that you have to endure this day just once every year a blessing.

Yes, you are deluded into thinking that particular song was written for you (especially by you) but you can probably chalk that one up to a hangover (or the right-after bong). Also you unwittingly infringed upon international copyright laws (false claiming authorship of artistic works), methinks.

Anyway, Happy Birthday!! (Psst... since its your special day, I shall refrain from tipping off Pizzicato Five's attorneys)

Unknown said...

Happy Caaku to you! Happy Caaku to you! ( my cousins version, she's 4 btw)

Simon said...

Happy birthday Hamza.

psyph said...

All hail the day the fuzz was born. Tis a wonderful day, aint it? Ah I recall it like it was yesterday....him popping out nude and covered in goo, his tiny dongle wavering abt. O wait, I didnt c that....srry man. Got carried away .... its such an inspiring moment.
Just kidding man, I hear ur nether regions are quite famous there.
Happy B day my man, wish u were here so that I could share the day with ya.
Much Luv.

Anonymous said...

happy belated Bath Day Hamuzah

hamzah said...

Murasakionacid: Thanks Hassaana Wonder. I got Happy B'day to Sunita from Nisa. LOLZ

Fizan: Hahaha thank you and god bless for helping me avoid a lawsuit :P.

Shanu: For god's sake she must be retarded. I was reading Shakespeare at 4. HAHAHA. Just kidding. That's really so sweet. Give her a totally non-pedophilic kiss from me.

Simon: Simple but effective.

Psyph: Awww gracias mi hermano. Te amo. All hail my brother - La Pinga Grande.

Perky: Thanks for giving the most temporally accurate b'day wish on this post so far.

Bless you all. *Flying kisses and stage bows*

Anonymous said...

Though I'm a bit late to wish u, hope u had a happy b day!

hamzah said...

No need to 'pologize Nish. I posted this a day after my b'day for the very reason that no one can one-up anyone else in the race to wish me. LOL.

Princess nyssa said...

hey guess who beat Nish....Nis me hehehe.. i am the last one to comment on ye birthday entry....Bless the day you were born...

hamzah said...

And the medal goes to...Nisa Latheef. stank u stank u y'all is so nice *fades into Pass that Dutch* (yes I just called you Missy Elliot. LOL. luv ya boo).

Anonymous said...

A very belated happy b'day, Hamza. Hope you had a lovely day.

Morefeous said...

HAppy Birth day to me. happy birthday to me...and then happy birthday to hamza, my closest bud.

Athena said...

A very Happy Belated Birthday to you.
You are the fourth person to I know to have their B'day on the 10th of april. hehehe

good to know that you are a fellow Arian (If thats the word)

My B'day is in April too, and I hibernate within myself to explore my most innermost corners of the mind.

catch you around sometime.

hamzah said...

Thank you latecomers to my altar.

MJ: if by "lovely" you mean hammered-out-of-my-mind and dancin'-like-a-maniac, why yes I did.

Morefeous: There you are luvva boi. You set my soul on fire.

Athena: Another great Arian. We should like create countries based on our zodiac signs and I bet we Arians would be the equivalent of the USA. We'd especially kick those Piscians asses - pansyass wusses (this idea is in no way a rip-off of Battlestar Galactica).

Athena said...

Hmmm equivalent to the Americans? Ha ha haha , I dont' think that the American's are anything to aspire to.
But yeah, I can't imagine being in a room full of Arians. I know what I am like.....