Monday, February 26, 2007

Hell 'n Back Boi

I'm back my pretties and all the flying houses in Kansas can fall on me now for all I care. For those of you in high school, I've got a piece of advice. Learn to sing, breakdance or juggle eggs but avoid University at all costs. It's all a huge, obese sham (thought I'd try the thesaurus-guided writing style of the infamous Ogre Wahid for a sentence). They work you to death and for what? To come out at the other end sapped of all your individuality and thoroughly convinced that every independent thought you've ever had fits into some perverse historian's/philosopher's/scientist's world-view (this is in no way an attack on Mary-Jo's blog, which I adore, and shame on you for thinking it is now that I've suggested it).

Seriously though. Dr. Borg-Muscat if you ever read my blog, I love you but I don't respect you anymore. A veritable golden-hearted hooker, you are, you Julia Roberts of academia. You disappear for a whole semester, return from your holiday (probably in Mykonos) and give me 71% for an essay which I practically stole from all the secondary sources I referenced throughout. Moral of the story: Don't bother with all that critical engagement these hypocrites harp about. The occasional "the" and an "a" or two will suffice in between a billion quotes from a dozen other people you've never met and will never care about.

So much for college life. I'm back on track where I belong. Doing things which I hate less than being anally raped by a horse. And what could I possibly like more than that? Sing it for me Corinne my Nubian goddess.


Princess nyssa said...

hey hey hey.....i was wondering on why you didnt comment on my blog..i forgot to tell you about it(for shame kanbulo)....Beware that mum is going to bother you about doing your masters and i think you should were meant to do great things...hey theres a high demand for independent drama in male''ve always wanted to be a director...although the quality will be questioned since you arent as fat as amjey anymore....but rilly we should i could help make the soundtrack and with the casting n costumes....lets do it baby

hamzah said...

Hell yeah! You could also help me rope in some people who could act and then we'll be set! Maybe we could do a movie called trans-Maldives where Afruh is a tranny sailing around K.Atoll searching for who he is.

Anonymous said...

and u thought i didnt read ur comment or ur blog either huh???

well i DO!!
suprised u forgot the biggest tranny of all (a certain monster assed real life tranny) and mentioned my name here..

ey.. i should really think of challengin u on this dho..

hamzah said...

Haha! Froo-Froo read my comment closely. I was talking about people who can act! I was just expressing my faith in your acting skills. Felicity Huffman played a tranny in Transamerica but she isn't really one is she? Puppu-bodey can sing background for our musicals LOL. Good luck with your movie career. Let's see how much we can change the face of Maldivian cinema.

Maldivian Devil said...

Wowowow! Whose up for an Oscar next?

Anonymous said...

Oi. Did I just get insulted with a compliment? LOL. Somehow it's apt coming from you.

I miss Uni. Never thought it's something I'd ever say, but it's true. I miss my ex-life. Probably 'cos I'm so bloody miserable here in Male'. Not knowing a single soul here sucks. The heat sucks too.

hamzah said...

Devil: Mebbe a Bafta or two but I'm not dreaming that big yet. Froo on the other hand could be the next Francis Ford Coppola.

Mary-Jo: LOLZ :P. Believe me, it was not a reaction to anything. I was doing group-work (which I hate) with a bunch of my classmates in film and propaganda and they kept shutting out my ideas because I didn't use the conventional euro-centric paradigms of Marxism or fascism to explain every single set piece or lighting and it pissed me off something major. My own shortcomings led me to make that crack at you 'cos you're someone else I know who excels at paradigmatic thinking.

Aw why are the locals being so unfriendly? Have you tried exchanging trinkets for coconuts or spreading syphillis? Sorry I couldn't resist making a pilgrim joke :D. I hate the heat too but there's a lot to love about the joint if you can somehow get into the rhythm of life in Male' isn't there?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm thinking you should have stopped at the initial jab, LOL. It's all good though.

It's not that people are unfriendly. I just don't know anyone here. Me mum keeps naggin' me to go out and make friends. But what am I s'posed to do? Waltz into a cafe and introduce myself to random people? I suppose there are things to love about this place. But to me, all I feel is an overpowering sense of purposelessness. I miss my work and doing things I love, things Male' cannot provide.

/End whinge.

hamzah said...

Network Jo, Network. Your mom's got the right idea. You gotta put yourself out there. My sis is presentin' a show at raalhugandu tonight. If you got the time mebbe you should drop by. Sorry about riffing on the jab by blowing hot air up your ass :P hahaha.

Unknown said...

Ahh welcome back,I'm scared to go back though.. 6 months to go..shudders..

Athena said...

hehe I don't want to think about going back, thats why I am still here studying more and more....

hamzah said...

You immense bookworms :P.