Cats. Close cousins of the majestic lions (The only difference being that one needs to be killed at a cowardly distance with a gun and the other is captured in a bag and tossed into the nearest body of water in order to dispatch it).
The picture above was taken in a cemetery in the Maldives, by my friend Nizy, whose Anne Geddes-like photographical artistry can only be appreciated when one takes into consideration that this particular shot was taken with a cellphone (more of her work here). But tarry Hamza, prithee tell us why the wench and thee ventured thus into a place which serves as a fearful reminder of our mortality, an Elizabethan playwright might ask. Why, for no other reason but our curiosity over cats and their presence at Maldivian burial grounds. We as a people don't share a traditional reverence of felines, as watchers over the dead, with ancient Egyptians (although the watchmen at the cemetery certainly looked like they could've been born under the rule of a Pharoah in the b.c.s).
Hilarious senility aside (which along with obesity and homosexuality are the only things politically-correct society is still allowed to make fun of) those old farts obviously loved the dozens of cats they had living in there so they're all right in my book. I'm a real animal-lover. Heck, I'd join PETA if I didn't have more of a life. I admire anyone who can convince Pamela Anderson to take her clothes off for them (that's why my walls are filled with framed pictures of David Hasselhoff, the rest of the cast of baywatch, Hugh Hefner and Tommy Lee). So, I don't understand why I enjoy the occassional episode of Happy Tree Friends so much. I guess it takes me back to the days when The Itchy and Scratchy Show was still featured on The Simpsons. An example of creative animated animal abuse on Happy Tree Friends below and more here.
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