Just to get in the spirit of the holidays here in the west, (which of course are totally secular. who said they weren't?) I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Ah christmas. A time for gullible young kids to hang up socks over the fireplace, hoping to see them filled up with whatever kids want these days (I hear food is a popular choice in Darfur), safe in the knowledge that good old Santa Claus will have them filled up come morn.
Those young 'uns with their untainted innocence will swallow just about anything. Harmless myths such as these are by no means to be confused with good old-fashioned reasonable adult ones. Like the one about the half-human half-spirit child growing up to raise the dead. Or that one-man bridge-construction team with a name that rhymes with 'hoses' and of course - Thinly disguised satirical jab at Islam deleted for the safety of the author -.
That's why Scientology will never work. Outer space alien infections? That stuff just doesn't make sense. Why couldn't they have just talked about aphrodisiac apples and boats which could hold representative duets of all creation like the rest of us? Wait..boats? Apples? I think I smell an idea for the world's most original punch bowl. Happy holidays everyone. Enjoy them while they last.
LOL! safety of the author? it's ur blog where u have every right to express exactly wat u feel. As for ppl who take offence, let them sulk away in a corner all by themselves.
Enjoy ur hols, happy new yr.
gud post, keep em coming:P
enjoy ur holz ...
be kewl ...
a vewwy mewwy chwismasss to my all time favouwite person in the world..............i miss youuuu....oh and yes i know where you live and i am a "muslim" hehe...watch ye back
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