When I heard that Ian Mckellen would be portraying a 25-year-old version of himself in Magneto, one of the upcoming prequels to the X-men trilogy, I thought here we go again - another Andrea from Beverly Hills 90210 (granted, one who can act) wandering around hopelessly in a role that was written for an actor 20 years younger (In Mckellen's case, probably a century or two).
But according to IGN, Mckellen is confident that the CGI magic used to make him and fellow thespian, Patrick Stewart, look like papier-mache' warnings of the overuse of botox, could be fine-tuned into making him look a couple more jubilees younger. What's more, he goes so far as to say that he and Meryl Streep could go on playing Romeo and Juliet for the next 20 to 30 years!!!
This is all part of a large Hollywood conspiracy to keep young nubile actors out of a job. What will the Jessica Albas of the world do, now that Meryl Streep's CGI-assisted body can fill a bikini just as well? I propose a PETA-esque campaign to save these endangered actors, I've tentatively named Save The Bimbo's (STB). It's quite catchy in the abbreviated form. Like STDs. Get it? I crack myself up.
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