Salman Rushdie be warned! There's a new kid on the block. Out to prove that that he's the J.D. Salinger of this age, O.J. Simpson (you might remember him from such court cases as the murder of his wife) has written a book titled, If I Did It, Here's How It Happened, about how he would have killed his wife and her boyfriend in 1994. Now that's classy. It's also subtle. I mean titles like The Catcher In The Rye are so obvious. There's no need to turn any pages. It's all right there on the cover. It's undoubtedly about a catcher......in the rye.
Too bad this valuable piece of contemporary literature will never see the light of day. Take heart O.J., many great men before you have been unjustly ridiculed and censured in their time for writing about their exceptional lives. If Hitler's Mein Kampf is any indication, you've got a great future ahead of you.
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