There's a new magazine hitting the stores in Male'. And what could be more relevant in politically and socially unstable times than a women's fashion magazine. Praise the lord! Our prayers have been answered!!
This is especially good news for the adolescent male population with bathroom reading habits (they're only interested in the articles, of course. Bikini waxes aren't just for women you know). That is until they see the picture above, of what looks like either a model impersonating daffy duck with a hernia or some random one-legged person in a slutty wedding dress who was having trouble holding back a humongous dump. If my second guess is right, this poor woman should immediately sue the regally named Rasrani for making light of her condition. Poor sphincter control is a serious ailment. Not to menton the added stress of being a monopod prostitute who caters exclusively to perverse bride fetishists.
Just for the heck of, it here's a link to the magazine's website. www.rasrani.com
Darwin was wrong. Humans did not evolve from apes. We evolved from ostriches. This photo is proof of that.
Haha! Ain't that the truth.
Perhaps you should stick to the porn sites you seem to be obviously visiting to come up with such vocabulary..hahaha..such an idiot...
Perhaps I should, anonymous feminist/magazine-lover. It's great to see that my blog titillates you. If only it didn't insult your intelligence. I should try harder to make you feel more like an early 20th century Catholic prepubescent with a D.H. Lawrence novel under their pillow. Maybe if I included more periods....like this...and a "hahaha"? Now that's good vocabulary.
---is there summin going on wif you and ali sameeu.......my brovas got a fan....n fuck that girl is beyond alien......
He's a fellow blogger. If we don't read each other's crap, who will?
yeah i too think you should stick to porn sites and playboy mags....intelligent mags are not your type....may be you have experience of that conditions...ewwww
Yes of course, the intricacies of such profound intellectual statements such as "ewwww" certainly escape me. So I'll take your advice and stick to my element. By the way, the correct form of the sentence "may be you have experience of that conditions"
would be "MAYBE you HAVE had experience of THOSE conditions". Seriously. Don't those "intelligent mags" teach you better grammar?
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