I'm talking about the real CSI by the way. And by that I mean CSI (ugh) Vegas. I hate having to say that. You've got to understand people, there IS no CSI without Grissom in it. Yeah, his lines before they launch into the opening credits are always corny but this is the kind of corn you pop and munch on for hours on end until you find that your back's been stuck to the leather couch and it makes that ripping noise when you try to get up.
What was I saying? Oh yeah..great music is a part of the total package that is CSI and they've trudged out another little-known piece of musical genius. Anyone who's seen the 7th episode of the 7th season (Post Mortem) which aired on the 9th of Nov. might've been totally distracted from all the blood and gore by the smoke and whiskey vocals of Willis asking you to "do your dahnce" (don't you just love the British pronunciation? Always adds a little class). Willis' version of Cameo's Word Up totally trumps the original AND the crapfest that was Korn's cover of it. It made me pause this particular episode of CSI for god's sake. And nothing short of an H-bomb would usually achieve this Herculean feat. So for those of you who appreciate great music here's a link to this masterclass in doing covers of old classics (are you listening Jessica Simpson you butcher?). http://www.last.fm/music/Willis
*If you want to learn more about Willis well then search the web yourself because I've got a life too. You never ask me how my day was. (sobs uncontrollably)
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