As scandalous and eye-catching as that headline is, it's not really true but if any tabloids out there are willing to take it out of context, I'm willing to swear it happened under oath and pose naked for their cover.
What I'm actually trying to refer to is this one track on Aguilera's mostly loud, over-riffing new album that she does with hardly a soaring "whoah" or a "yeah". It's called Save Me From Myself and It's the 8th track of the second cd of her 2 disc set, Back to Basics. But be warned, most of Linda Perry's work on the second cd is throwaway bubble-gum faux-jazz crap with lyrics falling far, far short of clever double entendre (You know who you are. Yes you, Candyman)
Yet this one song manages to be both self-affirming and heart-wrenchingly sad at the same time without permanently impairing anyone's hearing. It's just Christina's raw, naked vocals, crooning and moaning as an acoustic guitar is softly plucked in the background until she reaches an understated and quiet musical orgasm. (I am the master of subtle metaphor).
Still, all jokes aside, this track is totally worth a listen. Kudos to Aguilera for resisting her inexplicable urge to belt everything at the top of her seemingly megaphone-assisted voice. By doing so she's saved Save Me From Myself from herself. (Yes I amaze myself too ;))
While I can't encourage illegally downloading any music ;) here's a link to a perfectly legal place where you can listen to it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2Zy6fCwuxY). If you don't you're just an unromantic, love-hating, soulless zombie who should've stayed dead!!!
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