Watching the news: Something to be tolerated for a few hours out of your day if you share a television set with your parents like I do. Synonym: The sight of unflushed, used tampons in the toilet, that is if you also share a bathroom with your sisters like i do. God! I've just realized I have nothing in my life I can call my own. Except my dignity! You can never take that away from me.
And my love of Stephen Colbert. That's all me. Stephen's The Colbert Report, an offshoot of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, (both on Comedy Central, the only Cable channel worth paying for) is far and away one of the only reasons why anyone below the age of fifty can pick Dick Cheney or Karl Rove out of a line up nowadays. I still have no idea what things like fiscal reform or senatorial filibustering means but they sure do sound funny in a sentence. And that's what i want when I hear about the deaths in Darfur or huge tidal waves wiping out half of Asia. Good comedy. Laughter is the true panacea after all.
Seriously though, Colbert is the funniest man on earth. And maybe even Krypton. Watch the video below to judge for yourself.
'I have nothing in my life I can call my own. Except my dignity!" - join the club.
Enjoyed the video clip by the way.
Yeah now just imagine how much you'd enjoy a full episode!And no comedy central does not pay me in any way for my services.
what about my silky lingerie...how could you forget mention them..dignity my ass...so honey you in love with this guy
That's something else I have to share with you sis. Our super-classy, reserved, dry-as-dust sense of humor. And no I aint in love with the guy. It's just lust. Plain n simple.
Fuzz, this one's seriously hilarious.
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