Sunday, December 31, 2006
Two Double-Oh Seven!!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this,
I can't believe it's happening to me.....
Unless you're a fan of American Idol that will make as much sense to you as Tori Amos's lyrics would to a fourth grader (or an adult for that matter). Not everyone is happy about Saddam's demise though. CNN, Fox and BBC are raking in the Nielsen ratings through commentary choked with emotion while people from Human Rights organizations crawl out of whatever sewer they usually inhabit, blinking their mole-like eyes in the harsh spotlight and making statements which will be forgotten way before New Year's eve.
Personally, I don't think anyone's death should be celebrated. Saddam isn't exactly Adolf Hitler but that's like saying margarine isn't exactly butter. Periodically spread either one on a roasting turkey and the sizzling skin will taste just as good. Mmmm..turkey.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Id Mubarak

Eid means different things to different people. I speak for everyone at home when I say for us its basically about the chicken. Here's looking at you KFC. You haven't seen real profits until you've opened up an outlet in the Maldives on Eid. Salaam y'all. Hamza - out.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Like A Monkey With A Miniature Cymbal
*p.s - this shit is da bomb (thank you English education).
Hot Chip - Over and Over (Electro funk for funky electricians!)
Nerina Pallot - Sophia (Classical music in the 21st Century)
Snow Patrol With Martha Wainwright - Set Fire To The Third Bar (Like Kate Bush but less annoying)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Miss USA Acts Like Sex Object. Shocks No One.

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Begging To Differ
A certain comment on my sister nisa's blog got me thinking about the ways in which people define themselves and how that's changed over time. Let's take me for example (and I am quite a specimen if I do say so myself). An uber-liberal. Not quite the Nazi of liberals (because I don't believe in forcing my views on other people) but fanatically left-wing to a fault. If I may be so bold as to borrow the phraseology of your average cookie-cutter 'conservative' I and other people like myself might be best described as baby-killers, fag-lovers, mollycoddlers of criminals and junkies, which translates into pro choice, pro gay rights, anti-capital-punishment believers in the freedom to smoke weed. (The last one is pretty much the same but the rest have a certain zing in right-wing-speak you must agree.)
Although I believe the whole black-and-white-ism of the existence of a clear line separating the political left and the right is a false dichotomy, the truth is that people seem to be increasingly liable to espouse ideas which they don't believe just to belong to either camp. There are folks taking part in setting fire to abortion clinics just because they're afraid that by not doing so they allow their entire moral universe to crumble. And it's not always as militant as the example that I chose. The point is that an either/or mentality is beginning to take hold of society.
On the less arsonist side, liberals had the distinction of being 'cool' around the 60s to the 80s because they were a minority acting against a conservative establishment. But now liberals are the establishment because everyone and their grandmother believes in justice, freedom and equality (not to mention the Frankenstein's monster which is political correctness). It's the religious "fundamentalists" and haters in general with their naysaying and constraints who are the persecuted minority now. So they are 'cool'-er by default.
It may be that the mistake liberals made was to try to stifle the right-wingers' voices completely. I guess no point of view should be totally ignored. If someone thinks you're hacking away at the ties that bind people in a community just by getting a tattoo, it's important to stop and ask them why they think so instead of talking down to them from your secularist, individualist, free-thinking pedestal. And I plead guilty to making that mistake several times.
The part about liberals having the bigger army is true about the world at large but where I come from (home sweet home), confused conservative right-wingers are still in control so let's bring on the orgies and smoking crack in public because we've got a status quo to overturn if we want to catch up with the rest of the world.
If nobody wants to hear me go on about stuff like this again please send me some Ambien or even horse-tranquilizer. I really need to sleep.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Going Up In Smoke

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Before the Ball Drops
Fuzzy Wuzzy Bleeding Corpses

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Auld Lang Synes

Futurama was not only zany but cerebral at the same time for five whole seasons. Case in point: it taught me the most inventive get-rich-quick scheme in the world, which is to open an account, cryogenically freeze yourself for a thousand years, thaw out and find yourself an instant billionaire!
Take a gander below at the biggest loss to the TV industry. (I chose the video clip with Frou Frou's version of Holding Out For A Hero drowning out the dialogue because if you haven't already seen the show you should at least see one full episode without making up your mind after viewing one measly clip.)
Commander In ChiefYou would think twice about calling George W. Bush a retard after watching this show, however much evidence there is to support it. Because a president's job is not easy and American presidents, let's face it, are responsible for the whole world. We might want to go ahead with this silly charade of calling ourselves sovereign nations and designing pretty little flags for kicks but the truth is we're all just aisles in the supermarket that is the U.S.A.. And no other show (except maybe The West Wing, 24 and a bunch of others) has done such a good job of making this point clear.
Don't get me wrong the show isn't completely realistic to the point of boredom, like say home videos of your childhood. The edginess factor is provided by the fact that the Commander in Chief is a political independent and a woman AND played by a cyborg which its inventors have lovingly named Geena Davis (hardly noticeable except when they try to make her display too much emotion. I've tried that with my toaster. It just doesn't work).
Only one season of this excellent show is available although if the networks are interested I've written a script for a second season which takes the whole shock value of what-if-a-woman-was-president concept to the next level by having Mackenzie (G-bot's character's name) run against a half-black half-mexican atheist lesbian. And lose!!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Plastic Surgery For Your Rashes

If you haven't seen Nip/Tuck ever before, I would strongly suggest starting from the first season. It's an unequaled masterpiece which sadly even the writers of said show themselves haven't been able to duplicate and these were no ordinary two-cent hacks but the geniuses...genii(?)...very smart people who came up with the idea of coke mules smuggling their stash in breast implants. Substance and allegory aside, the very sight of Kelly Carlson (a cardinal sin to be confused with lesser female specimen, Kelly Clarkson. Its as easy as telling the difference between potbelly pigs and birds of paradise but to complement my skillfull use of animals as metaphor, the difference between both Kellies is shown below) is enough to keep you coming back for more.
FYI; that beautiful song those people are awkwardly mouthing is Brighter Discontent by The Submarines. Buy their single too. Same risk of childlessness and skin mutilation applies.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Redundancy Rocks

Of Ballads and Blogs
- Apparently, I do a jaw-droppingly fine, intoxicated, baritone version of Besame Mucho which was, thankfully, explained to me after several strangers kept singing it at me and giving me the thumbs-up sign this morning. (I thought I'd landed in an 80s pepsi commercial set in Puerto Rico).
- And my sister's got her own blog. Which officially makes me the biggest trendsetter since MC Hammer. Oh don't deny it. Everybody owned a couple of parachute pants in their day.
Princess Nisa's blog is for all those overachievers who just don't know what to do with all that extra time they have on their hands after signing autographs, kissing babies and swimming in vaults full of money. So mosey on over if you think you've got what it takes. And just for good measure, here's a video of Andrea Bocelli trying to imitate my vocal genius and failing terribly (oh the humanity!).
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Ho Ho Ho

Sunday, December 10, 2006
No, Virginia, There Was No Iron Maiden

Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Music Makes The People Come Together...Yeah!
Sunday, December 3, 2006
L Is For Lesbians

Just to give you a taste of what the show is about without giving too much away, here's a trailer for the third season which was tastefully done to Fisher's version of the Nat King Cole classic L.O.V.E.. Why? Because the L in The L Word stands for love you dirty-minded simpletons!
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Hilton Arc de Triomphe

So take notes impressionable young women. You can snigger in the background when someone with you makes colorful remarks (firecrotch comes to mind) about your friends, you can be delusional about your lack of talent, you can be completely amoral and sexually promiscuous, even allowing to be filmed in the act, but never, I repeat, never attend the Billboard Music Awards. Because they stand for everything that is wrong with music today. And for the sake of establishing some relevance to the subject of this post, Paris Hilton's music, for lack of a better word, sucks!!
Just to show them how it's done, here's a video of Kyle Riabko performing his song, What Did I Get Myself Into, at The Knitting Factory. A better artist and a much better venue as a showcase of talent.
Friday, December 1, 2006
Moses Goes To High School
Thursday, November 30, 2006
One Less Wiggle In Their Step

We should take this opportunity to remember all the great artists who have been stolen from us too early in their careers by death or disease. Janis Joplin, Jim Morrisson, Kurt Cobain, and now Greg Page. Audioslave is right. The original fire truly has died and gone. Take it away Chris Cornell. (Play the video below or the dramatic ending to my eulogy is completely ruined)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Music On Mars

So there I was drifting off into Kristen Bell's spunky loveliness when I heard the song below by New York-based singer-songwriter Regina Spektor. I've always had a soft spot for the whole Fiona Apple/Tori Amos set, so needless to say this song had me hooked from the get-go.
What's more, the video is dripping with artistic imagery and class. And that's what I'm about these days - dripping.
Feel The World Up, Make It A Better Place

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
CGI Cocoon

He's Heavy And He's My Brother
Here's a link to the second best damn blog out there. http://psyph.blogspot.com
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Ephen Stephen

Saturday, November 25, 2006
The music isn't bad and the beat actually sounds pretty fresh but recent buzz is all about this being a 'beef' song. Not the good kind, which you could turn into a nice big steak or grind into a burger but rather the rappers-throwing-down-their-gauntlets type of 'beef'. Most of the media reports have centered around Timberlake 'dissing' Janet Jackson in a vicious nasal put-down at the end of the track (think angry geese). No doubt inner city kids everywhere establish their street-cred by singing insults at forty-year-old women. Post-'N Sync Justin is one tough cookie you don't want to mess with. What will he do next? Shoot Paula Abdul in a drive-by?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Magazine Myalgia

Fresh O.J. In The Morning

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Condoms Are For Losers
J.K. Rowling Needs Lessons From The 'Real' Celebrities

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Improving On Imperfection
Except they didn't tinker with anything which has the slightest chance of ending up in a museum. Unless sometime in the future, Sexy Back is considered prime Louvre Material. Then Dan Brown would write a book in which the protagonists find out that playing the track backwards summons the antichrist. Except they discover that the antichrist was Timbaland all along! That man is behind far too many popstars' revamped careers to be human (Timberlake, Nelly Furtado, Pussycat Dolls...need I go on?). Plus he reminds me of the Cheshire Cat in Disney's Alice in Wonderland when he smiles. If that thing doesn't give you nightmares, what will?!!!
Mmmm...Bear traps

Still this is hardly the indie chick flick the first few sentences of the last paragraph might have misled you to believe. It's got something for the whole family. Notably, a tutorial on how to castrate the guys you hate for 14-year old girls with a budding interest in home surgery (if he stands you up one more time for that bitch Kelly, who he promised he broke up with last summer after one meaningless kiss, you'll know what to do ladies).
Also there's something for those pedophiles who just can't seem to do anything right (such an overlooked minority). Stop buying those jumbo packs of jellybeans and get a refund on your new Playstation 3 boys because all you need to do is become a high-end fashion photographer with an expensive apartment in the suburbs. As easy as that! It wouldn't hurt if your next door neighbor turned out to be Sandra Oh either. I hear she's like an oysters and ecstasy cocktail for the preteen set. Don't beleive me? Check it out. Here's the trailer.
CSI: Bringing You Dead Bodies & Good Music

Monday, November 20, 2006
They Have Cameras In The Maldives Too

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Drawn to Drawn Together

Christina Aguilera on Diazepam

Will the real Sacha Baron Cohen please stand up?